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Magnetic Pencil Holder
OK, here’s the scene. You’re playing in an orchestra, you’re at rehearsals and the conductor wants to make some changes to your score. You had a pencil on your music stand but the vibrations from the kettle drums has jiggled it off the stand, heading at speed towards the 1st violins and off the edge of the dais stair you’re sat on. You’ve got another one in your bag, but that’s under your chair and not easy to get to. Happened all the time to me. I’ve played with some very noisy outfits.
Well the good folks at Konig and Meyer have got yet another great idea up their sleeve. So long as your stand is made with iron, steel or cobalt (yes really, but I’ve yet to see one made of that material) they’ve got a great little magnetic pencil holder that will save your face from going red either from embarrassment or the effort in trying to retrieve your bag from under your chair where, somehow, its straps have become completely entangled with the legs, looking like some sort of manic, musical Gordian Knot. And you weren’t allowed to bring your sword in because of some arcane Health and Safety rule.

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