Der Fremde

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Publisher: Recital Music


Der Fremde (The Stranger) was composed for ‘Bass Instinct’ and exists in versions for Double Bass, Sextet or Double Bass, Quartet.
The music is lively and jazzy with a strong rhythm section (basses 5 & 6) under- pinning the whole and with possibilities to improvise. Basses 1-4 have the suggest the sonorities of a saxophone choir, working in rhythmic unison and creating great lyrical and syncopated melodic interest.
Der Fremde has an immediate impact and is both player and audience friendly and is typical of the exciting and engaging music by this talented young Spanish composer-bassist.
It’s UK premiere was at Bass-Fest 2013 on 4 August 2013 at the Silk Mill (Frome, Somerset) by Dan Styffe, David Heyes, Eloise Riddell, Josie Jobbins, Simón García and Ben Groenevelt.

R.R.P £10

Our Price £8.5

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