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BEBOP This lighthearted and fun piece is to be played energetically in the bebop style. The soloist can feel free to vary the articulations and …add extra dynamics to give their own interpretation of the style. UP BEAT This lively piece is characterised by using angular chords that accompany an energetic melody which is built on the blues scale. The middle section feels more relaxed with the melody floating over more peaceful chords. NIGHT WALK This atmospheric melody begins over a minor ostinato. It then turns upside-down in a happier major key before an unsettled middle section leads to a small cadenza then returning to the original melody. AN AMERICAN DREAM This happy piece aims to capture the emotive and expressive style of music that is often heard in modern day films. BLUES BOULEVARD A ‘minor blues’ chord sequence accompanies this ‘smooth’ melody which is based on the melodic minor scale. The soloist can add extra emphasis to this softer style of playing to bring out the character more. The angular middle section is built on the diminished scale.
R.R.P £10
Our Price £8.46