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The edition by Franz Beyer contains all 11 Mozart Concert Arias for Tenor, including the fragments that have been completed. All the well-known arias from Mozarts …Viennese years are there, of course, as well as other pieces waiting to be discovered. “Müsst ich auch durch tausend Drachen” K. 435, which has come down to us only in fragmentary form, was masterfully completed by Franz Beyer. Every lyrical tenor will be delighted by this concert piece, which is one of Mozarts most splendid tenor arias and can hold its own against Pedrillos “Auf zum Kampfe.” Very valuable for performance practice are the cadenzas and Eingänge provided by the internationally acclaimed Mozart singer Christoph Prégardien. Franz Beyer’s edition, which incorporates the cadenzas and “Eingänge” (ornamental flourishes) that Christoph Prégardien has already performed in concert, provides extensive information on the performance practice of Mozart’s vocal music (including appoggiaturas, recitatives, cadenzas/flourishes, dynamics) and supplies an individual commentary on the contents and historical position of each aria. Moreover, the volume contains a list of instructional methods from Mozart’s day (with indications of facsimile reprints or English-language translations) as well as German and English translations of the predominantly Italian aria texts.
R.R.P £31
Our Price £27