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Elegia No.2 (Romanza Drammatica) has a completely different character and style to Bottesini’s other elegies, with a dramatic and serious intent which exploits many …lyrical and sonorous possibilities of the double bass. The opening theme is sensuous and evocative, suffused with the operatic flair and dramatic potential of the mid-19th century. Bottesini always exploits the technical challenges in a musical way, using powerful and dramatic double stops and harmonics to add variety and contrast, but the overall character is one of great beauty and elegance. The bass-friendly keys of D minor and D major are used, offering many harmonic and dramatic possibilities. The minor key is wistful and reflective contrasting music of a more dramatic, optimistic and technical nature in the tonic major, but this is Bottesini at his most serious and wistful. Elegia No.2 is not as showy as many pieces by Bottesini, but it allows the advanced bassist to demonstrate both a technical and musical prowess alongside the ability to exploit the lyrical, cantabile and dramatic possibilities of the solo double bass. This edition includes accompaniments for both solo and orchestral tunings and two solo parts – Bottesini’s original bowings from one manuscript source and one edited by David Heyes.
R.R.P £6
Our Price £5.1