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The name of Robert Wylkynson (c.1450-c.1515) is practically unknown today, apart from in church music circles, and he was a Lay Clerk at Eton …Chapel and several of hisChoral works exist in manuscript in Eton College Library. ‘Jesus Autem Transiens’ is a magnificent and monumental 13-part canon and is a setting of the Apostles’ Creed, prefixed by the words ‘Jesus autem transiens’. A part is assigned to Jesus and each apostle, and their name is attached at the beginning of that part of the Creed which each is traditionally said to have written. This is a most glorious work that transcribes easily for 13 double basses and, to make it more accessible, everyone plays from the same score and, as in all canons, the first bassist begins unaccompanied and when they reach line two, bass two starts at the beginning, ending with bass 13 playing the nine note plainsong of line one unaccompanied. This edition includes three versions of the piece: 1) Everyone plays Version A – in the same register. 2) Some players play Version A and several players (possibly basses 4, 8 and 12) play version B, which is an octave lower, to give the work a greater depth of colour and texture. 3) Version 3 is aimed at the intermediate bass ensemble and everyone plays the same music and in the same register.
R.R.P £9
Our Price £7.23