Story Book Friends

Look Inside
Composer: Montgomery, Michael and Lourdes
Instrumentation: Double Bass and Piano
Publisher: Recital Music


Story Book Friends is a collection of ten short duets which are aimed at the beginner bassist.
In first position, apart from the addition of a few unthreatening harmonics in Jack-in-the-Box,
each piece depicts a character or group of characters that a child may have encountered
“once upon a time” in a bedtime story.
A limited number of notes, rhythms, keys and time signatures are used to add variety and
character to ten fun and accessible pieces which are ideal for both study and concert use.

  1. The Snowman, always a favourite backyard wintertime guest, wishes the child a final
    “good night!” as he sadly makes last minute preparations to leave for the summer.
  2. After a lovely visit, the youngster’s Hippopotami friends march off awkwardly into the
    twilight, but not before they promise to visit once again tomorrow.
  3. As the sun drops beyond the horizon, The Lion’s Roar at day’s end serves as the
    monarch’s confirmation of his place among the many subjects in his vast domain.
  4. One last performance is presented before nightfall by the cows of the sea – their own
    special dance, famously known in the world of aquatic arts as the Manatee Mash.
  5. The Scaredy Cat, being such a timid fellow, is not at all comfortable with the other
    celebrities he finds in this bedtime fantasy, and so creeps about in the shadows.
  6. In the dark distance of his imaginings A Camel Caravan passes ever so slowly in the
    night, on its way perhaps to deliver spices and gifts to some faraway sultan.
  7. Jack-in-the-Box, tired of being cooped up in his tight confines all the day long, finally pops
    out of his box with a “Bang!” as he heads off to bed.
  8. Mr. Caterpillar, in town for on a business trip, slowly makes his way up a nearby bedpost
    for a late night chat before heading back to his hotel room.
  9. A Lonely Scarecrow, having spent most of his life in the field, is not often comfortable in
    the company of a gathering, and so seeks his reassurance in the solitude of the corner of the
  10. The last place one would care to find himself at the end of long day is on Crocodile
    , surrounded by toothy beasts snapping wildly about. Fortunately, with the final snap of
    the beasts’ jaws, our adventurer finally drifts off to a peaceful sleep.
[Programme notes by Michael Montgomery]

R.R.P £10

Our Price £8.5

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