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Three Impressions is a colourful and accessible trio of pieces for three double
basses. Playable as a suite, singly or in any order, these …attractive and engaging
pieces are ideal for the progressing bass and ideal for any audience or occasion.
It has been said that music is one of the oldest forms of communication, that it can
even bridge boundaries of time and culture to share thoughts or emotions. If we were
to accept the probability these several little snippets, these three trios, project a
wordless dialogue, we might further imagine in this shared reflection a story of sorts
being told – such as: We hear in the old adage that, “Two’s Company, Three’s a
Crowd”, and though we must say there are moments when one on one is best, there
is nonetheless a bit of unkindness in that attitude.
The trio entitled “Three’s No Crowd”, with its awkward 5/4 meter and edgy
accompaniment (not to mention the need for three colleagues to perform it),
suggests some degree of discomfort with that sentiment.
In the quiet aloneness of “Soliloquy” the human need for balance is considered, that
one must find solace in moments of solitude, but without the camaraderie of our tribe
we will not feel ourselves complete – and so we close with the thought that there
also are those moments when we are “Better Together”.
Three Impressions was commissioned by David Heyes for 40 @ 40, a project to
commission forty new double bass pieces to celebrate Recital Music’s 40th birthday
in 2026.
R.R.P £9
Our Price £7.23